
I reflect on the sheer diversity of my professional and academic work and feel that one has enormously enriched the other. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in leading national and global firms and to refocus that experience to create learning and career opportunities and connections for students.

As Vice President, Public Affairs at the Canadian institute of Chartered Accountants, I
created a national image advertising campaign that focused on CEOs and their CA partners of such wonderful companies as Cirque du Soleil and Bombardier that raised market awareness of the CA brand by 33% in one year. I also launched  major national public opinion research on the role of the CA profession in Canada and achieved employee engagement of 85 % + . At Towers Watson, I did change management and employee engagement projects for global energy and financial services companies in Canada and the US. I also led marketing, media and internal communications projects at CIBC, KMPG and PWC.

So I bring direct professional insights and skills into the classroom, create internships and career opportunities for our PR students and conduct original, applied case research for our PR courses. The constant challenge for me is to juggle demands, manage workload and engage students and to adapt to a unique and different environment.
I believe I still have a lot to learn about making the adventure of learning relevant, useful and meaningful for my students. I am constantly learning and, I hope, growing.
What I love most is the opportunity to contribute to the learning enterprise. Students, academic colleagues, industry professionals, family and friends. This is the cluster of dynamic partnerships I value most.